Monday, January 2, 2012

Last Update from the US!

So here I am, sitting in my bed for the last time for 5 months. Tomorrow, I'll get on a plane at about 1, head for Chicago, hang out for a few hours and meet up with the rest of my group, minus Joseph, and then head to Brussels then Kigali. We'll get in at about 8 and then head to our hotel (which has wifi!). We have orientation for the first week, then we'll move in with our host families. We have five 2 week intensives for classes (Kinyarwanda and field methods, Rwanda: History, Culture, and the Arts, Ecology and sustainable development, microfinance and poverty reduction, and an internship seminar. Then we'll take a two week trip up to Uganda to do field work then come back and start our internships! I'll be back in the states on June 1st. I don't know anything about my host family, my internet access, or my internship yet, so that's getting to me a bit, but not too much. We'll figure it all out when we get there. For now, I'm all packed up for the most part and ought to be getting to bed. Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Rwanda!


  1. So looking forward to seeing how your adventure develops Sarah! Be safe!

  2. Go get some sleep so that you wouldn't be too tired tomorrow. Be sure to sleep on the plane so that you don't get your times mixed up. Have a fun trip, be safe and keep well. I expect to see lots of photos. Check over your room one more time to be sure you have everything you need. Enjoy the blanket on the flight. God Bless.

